Tuesday 23 August 2011

How do I put my tone marks in pinyin?

How do I put my tone marks in pinyin?
Always insert tone marks above the vowels. If there is more than one vowel letter, follow the steps below:
(1) Insert it above the 'a' if that letter is present. For example, it is rǎo and not raǒ
(2) If not, insert it above 'o'. For example, guó and not gúo
(3) Insert it above the letter 'e' if the letters 'a' and 'o' are not present. For example, jué and not júe
(4) If only 'i', 'u' and 'ü' are the only present letters, insert it in the letter that occurs last. For example, jiù and not jìu, chuí and not chúi. Note, if the vowel present is ü, the tone mark is put in addition to the umlaut. For example, lǜ

Sunday 21 August 2011

Chinese Learning that Works (FREE)

Chinese Learning that Works (FREE) http://www.gurulu.com

• Do you use many ‘ums’ when speaking Chinese?
• Is building your Chinese vocabulary a painful process?
• Are you too busy to prepare flash cards or create your own word lists?

If you answered YES to at least one of the above questions, you are probably working hard to improve your Chinese but are struggling with the size of the job. Chinese is not the easiest language to learn after all. Having to devote time to ‘manage’ your learning program by creating word lists, selecting lessons, keeping track and so on does not make the task easier, does it?

Wouldn’t it be useful to have a website which is clever enough to automatically adapt to you and your learning progress?

Yes? Then check out Gurulu because Gurulu has been created to make learning Chinese less difficult.

Why does Gurulu work?

Based on modern data science and artificial intelligence
As you probably know, Chinese is a language based on pictures. Also, most of these ‘pictures’ are interrelated and can be combined. For example, if you knew the picture for ‘study’ and the picture for ‘big’ what would you think the combination ‘big study’ could mean? The correct answer of course is ‘University’. Gurulu analyzes the many relationships between Chinese characters and words and uses this to optimize your study program. In this way Gurulu uses what you already know to get you ahead much quicker than the simplistic ‘phonebook’ approach utilized by so many books and websites. Gurulu has been created by a team of experts in the field of data science and artificial intelligence who are also passionate about the Chinese language.

Modern Chinese for Business and Life
A well-informed person rarely lacks the words to make her point. Experiencing modern Chinese as used in business and life ensure that you will always know what to say just when you need to say it. All material on Gurulu is specially produced for people who learn Chinese as a foreign language. All articles come at several different difficulty levels. Gurulu uses this to adapt itself to you to pick material that challenges you, without overwhelming you.

Focus on training your brain in Chinese
All you need on Gurulu is your Motivation to learn Chinese. Gurulu closely tracks all your actions, what you know and what you don’t yet know. There is no need to categorize words, create word lists, and select lessons or any other ‘overhead’ work. Gurulu does all this for you so that your brain can focus solely on absorbing the Chinese language.

Try Gurulu (Chinese Learning that Works) today for FREE to experience Chinese Learning that Works.